There were bright, citrus-y Kenyas, berry-like, clean Ethiopias, the most complex & mouth-watering espresso blends I have ever tasted and more!
Walking about the room throughout the night you would encounter various topics about roasting, coffee growing regions, latte art techniques, brewing options, shot times, and on and on... little niches were forming all around the room just bursting with information and an eagerness to expand on coffee knowledge. (Those who could only stop by for a moment noted later that there was a buzz about the room- a palpable excitement among everyone.)
John Letoto kept us in awe with his presentation of vacuum pot brewing. He was met with a sea of questions to which he answered with detailed attention. (And of course, after tasting the results of this eye-catching brewing method, more than a few people in the room vowed to buy their own vaccum pots in the near future. :)
Throughout the rest of the evening, baristas began pulling shots and trying their hand at latte art designs. Kenny Smith showed off the skills that got him to competitions from Chicago to Seattle and offered up some elaborate demonstrations of various latte designs. This of course was followed up by a latte art Throw Down that got wonderfully loud and competitive in the best of ways.
After cups and cups of coffee, shots and shots of espresso, 10 jugs of milk, bottle after bottle of delicious coffee stouts... the die-hards stuck it out until about 2:00 in the morning saving the rarities of roasts for a sort of 'last call'. (Thus ensuring little sleep for all parties involved from both the excitement and extreme caffeine intake.) I can't help but be thankful for sticking it out until the wee hours of the morning just to soak in the last ounce (literally) of coffee joy.
Thank you, everyone, for not only your participation, but for your exuberant enthusiasm and genuine love for coffee and our growing Louisville coffee community. (You should be proud!)
And of course, a special thanks to John and Kenny for sharing their love and knowledge with us all.
I've been so inspired every day since to improve some part of my barista repertoire of skills and slowly, I'm seeing accomplishments... (see you at the next throw- down! :)
P.S. See some of the pictures that have been uploaded at:
Louisville Barista Jam!